Why Lee's, Casco WI

Opening hours

Why Lee's is currently CLOSED as the present time falls outside of the opening hours below

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11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:00 AM
11:00 PM
Bank Holidays
No bank holiday opening hours for this place


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Monday 10th February 2025 11:47 pm


Place Details

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Name Address and ZIP code Type
Why Lee's County Rd E, Casco WI 54205 Bar
Phone Official website Opening hours
(920) 837-7700 No website listed yet CLOSED now
Food: Unknown, Menu: None uploaded yet, Plays music: Unknown, Wifi: Unknown, Disabled access: Unknown, Beer garden: Unknown, Real ales: Unknown, Credit cards: Unknown, TV screens: Unknown


Reviews of Why Lee's

        5 stars out of 5
        1 review


  • 5 star reviewBest perch sandwich I've ever had. Really good and reasonably priced pub food. You also don't see deep fried side pork on many menus - try it!. Can't wait to try the Saturday night ribs. Love this place.
    Dave from Elm Grove Reviewed 28th February 2013 10:57 PM

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Parking near

Jay's Asphalt Paving Inc, E783 Town Hall Rd, Luxemburg, WI (7.69 miles) Phone (920) 866-2635

Lok-Safe Storage, 2525 University Ave, Green Bay, WI (16.94 miles) Phone (920) 497-1755

Village Mart Inc, 630 Depere Rd, Denmark, WI (18.23 miles) Phone (920) 863-2129

Lok-Safe Self Storage, 200 Elizabeth St, Green Bay, WI (18.40 miles) Phone (920) 497-1755

Green Bay City Parking Utility, 100 N Jefferson St, Green Bay, WI (19.69 miles) Phone (920) 448-3431

Train stations near

There are no train stations near to Why Lee's, Casco WI

ATM cash points near

These cash machines are near to Why Lee's Bar


  • Bank of Luxemburg, 602 Center Dr, Luxemburg, WI

    1 - FREE to use and 4.21 miles away

Local places

Why Lee's is listed as a local bar for the following areas


Brussels, Forestville, Luxemburg


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