Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30), San Jose CA

Opening hours

Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30) is currently OPEN for business

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Lunch starts
Lunch closes
Dinner starts
Dinner ends
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
11:00 PM
Bank Holidays
No bank holiday opening hours for this place


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Friday 27th December 2024 8:29 pm


Place Details

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Name Address and ZIP code Type
Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30) 1205 The Alameda, 30, San Jose CA 95126 Italian Restaurant
Phone Official website Opening hours
(408) 292-9929 Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30) restaurantWebsite link OPEN now
Menu: None uploaded yet, Plays music: Unknown, Parking: Unknown, Disabled access: Unknown, Alcohol: Unknown, Takes reservations: Unknown, Attire/Dress code: Unknown


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Photos of Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30)


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Parking near

Notre Dame/Carlyle St Lot, Notre Dame Ave, San Jose, CA (0.96 miles)

225 W Santa Clara Street Parking, 1 N Almaden Ave, San Jose, CA (1.05 miles)

Almaden/Woz Parking Lot, Woz Way, San Jose, CA (1.18 miles)

Fairmont Plaza, 50 W San Fernando St, San Jose, CA (1.29 miles)

Market and San Carlos St Lot, S Market St, San Jose, CA (1.31 miles)

Train stations near

San Jose Diridon Caltrain Station (0.59 miles)


Amtrak (0.61 miles)


Santa Clara Caltrain Depot (1.96 miles)

ATM cash points near

These cash machines are near to Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30) Restaurant


  • Bank of America, 1510 The Alameda, San Jose, CA

    1 - FREE to use and 0.25 miles away

  • Atm Specialists Inc, 78 E Santa Clara St, San Jose, CA

    1 - FREE to use and 1.35 miles away

  • Bank of America, 99 S 4th St, San Jose, CA

    1 - FREE to use and 1.49 miles away

  • Bank of America ATM, 1 Washington Sq, San Jose, CA

    1 - FREE to use and 1.82 miles away

  • Bank of America ATM, 2855 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA

    1 - FREE to use and 1.92 miles away

  • Bank of America, 1245 Lincoln Ave, San Jose, CA

    1 - FREE to use and 1.92 miles away

Local places

Pasta Pomodoro (1205 The Alameda 30) is listed as a local restaurant for the following areas


Santa Clara 95053, San Jose 95102, San Jose 95114, San Jose 95126, San Jose 95137, San Jose 95142, San Jose 95171, San Jose 95191, San Jose 95196, San Jose 95112


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