Kim's Auto Services is currently OPEN for business
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Opens |
Closes |
Monday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Friday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Saturday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Sunday | 10:00 AM |
4:00 PM |
Bank Holidays | No bank holiday opening hours for this place |
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Monday 23rd December 2024 1:42 pm
Name | Address and ZIP code | Type | |
Kim's Auto Services | 3212 Orange Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34947-3577 | Gas station | |
Phone | Official website | Opening hours | |
(772) 461-4140 | No website listed yet | OPEN now |
Disabled access: Unknown, Credit cards: Unknown |
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Chandler Equipment Company, 517 S 33rd St, Fort Pierce, FL (0.30 miles) Phone (772) 461-6604
Downtown Storage Center, 900 S 3rd St Ste 101a, Fort Pierce, FL (2.12 miles) Phone (772) 464-2848
Public Storage, 5221 Okeechobee Rd, Fort Pierce, FL (2.32 miles) Phone (772) 801-0962
Flying J Travel Plaza, 100 N Kings Hwy, Fort Pierce, FL (2.53 miles) Phone (772) 461-0091
Mobile Mini, 500 N Rock Rd, Fort Pierce, FL (3.09 miles) Phone (772) 460-2770
There are no train stations near to Kim's Auto Services, Fort Pierce FL
These cash machines are near to Kim's Auto Services Gas station
1 - FREE to use and 1.19 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 1.59 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 1.88 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 2.20 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 2.40 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 2.55 miles away
Kim's Auto Services is listed as a local gas station for the following areas
Fort Pierce 34946, Fort Pierce 34947, Fort Pierce 34949, Fort Pierce 34950, Fort Pierce 34951
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