Here's the Scoop, Salida CO

Opening hours

Here's the Scoop is currently CLOSED as the present time falls outside of the opening hours below

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11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
11:00 PM
11:30 AM
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11:00 PM
Bank Holidays
No bank holiday opening hours for this place


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Wednesday 12th February 2025 1:38 am


Place Details

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Name Address and ZIP code Type
Here's the Scoop 215 F Street, Salida CO 81201 Ice Cream Shop
Phone Official website Opening hours
(719) 539-9727 No website listed yet CLOSED now
Menu: None uploaded yet, Parking: Unknown, Disabled access: Unknown, Credit cards: Unknown, Delivery: Unknown


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Parking near

Salida Public Works, 340 W State Highway 291, Salida, CO (0.72 miles) Phone (719) 539-6257

Many Minis Storage, 916 Palmer St, Salida, CO (0.83 miles) Phone (719) 539-1183

Big Red's Storage Inc, 8225 County Road 120, Salida, CO (1.97 miles) Phone (719) 539-6824

Paving and Pavement Maintenance Service, 7962 County Road 152, Salida, CO (1.99 miles) Phone (719) 539-1400

Gunsmoke Truck Stop, 12916 US Highway 24/285, Buena Vista, CO (20.13 miles) Phone (719) 395-2833

Train stations near

There are no train stations near to Here's the Scoop, Salida CO

ATM cash points near

These cash machines are near to Here's the Scoop Takeout


  • Cardtronics ATM, 448 E Rainbow Blvd, Salida, CO

    1 - FREE to use and 0.80 miles away

  • Cardtronics ATM, 10035 Highway 50, Poncha Springs, CO

    1 - FREE to use and 4.47 miles away

  • Western Convenience, 11000 W US Highway 50, Poncha Springs, CO

    1 - FREE to use and 4.95 miles away

Local places

Here's the Scoop is listed as a local takeout for the following areas


Hartsel, Crestone, Moffat, Saguache, Villa Grove, Salida, Buena Vista, Coaldale, Cotopaxi, Monarch, Hillside, Howard, Nathrop, Ohio City, Parlin, Pitkin, Poncha Springs, Sargents, Westcliffe


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